Statement of Faith

THE BIBLE: I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that it is inerrant and infallible, the supreme and ultimate authority in all matters of faith and conduct, understood only through the illumination and teaching of the Holy Spirit. I further believe that the King James Version is the most accurate version of God's Word.

THE GODHEAD: I believe that the Godhead exists co-equally in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that these three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption.

THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: I believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession, in His personal pre-millennial and pre-tribulation return to receive His church and to establish His millennial kingdom.

THE HOLY SPIRIT: I believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit's work through the believers is to convince the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. The Holy Spirit is to teach, to guide into all truth, to bring the word of Christ to remembrance, to glorify Christ, to show things to come, to produce fruit in the life of the believers, to equip believers for effective service and ministry through the local churches.

MANKIND: I believe the Bible reveals that man was a direct immediate creation by God in His image and likeness. The first humanity, Adam and Eve, were created free of sin with a rational nature, intelligence, free will, self-determination and moral responsibility to God. I believe that by personal disobedience to the revealed will of God, man became a sinful creature, the father of a fallen race which is universally sinful in both nature and practice, thus alienated from the life and family of God, under righteous judgment and wrath of God, and has within himself no possible means of righteousness or salvation.

SALVATION: I believe the Bible reveals that salvation is wholly of God by grace through the redemption of Jesus Christ, the merit of His death by the shedding of His blood; and not on the basis of any human merit or works. I believe salvation is a free gift from God neither secured in whole or part by any virtue or work of man, but received only by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as one's Sin-bearer and Savior. I believe upon personal faith, God generates a new life and sinless nature in every believer, and grants each one a present and forever possession and gift of eternal life, and that not one who is born again shall ever come into condemnation. This is realized by the act of God that declares all believers righteous by the imputation of our sins to Christ, and His righteousness to us. I therefore believe that every believer is "set apart" (sanctified) unto God, and declared a saint and a priest unto God. As this salvation affects the whole man; apart from Christ there is no possible salvation for mankind. I believe that for a person to be saved, they must repent of their sins, believe that Jesus died for their sins, was raised the third day and they must pray with their mouth and ask God to forgive them through Jesus.

THE CHURCH: I believe the Bible reveals that believers are commanded to gather together in a local assembly of "born-again" baptized believers united in organization to practice the New Testament ordinances of believer's baptism by immersion, and a memorial celebration of the Supper of the Lord, united prayer, fellowship, teaching and preaching of the Word of God, and to actively engage in evangelizing the world. I further believe the local church is free to govern itself without ecclesiastical interference, and that it should be involved in ways of cooperation with other churches of like faith as the Spirit leads. Each local church is to be independent and autonomous and directly accountable to God Furthermore, I believe God has only called men to be the spiritual leaders of a church, and that the permanent edifying gifts of the Spirit are to be used by the Body, through both men and women , to edify and build up the saints..

THE COMMISSION: I believe that the commission of the Lord Jesus Christ to all believers through the local churches is 'Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature' - 'Teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost' - teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.'

THE COMING KING: I believe in the personal, pre-millennial, pre-tribulation return of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that the signs of the time point exclusively toward the close of 'the times of the Gentiles', that the return of the Lord is imminent. I believe that the message of the imminent return of Christ is the greatest motivation to prayer, holiness of life and evangelism.

THE PRESENT: I believe the Bible reveals that every born again believer is called to manifest the New Life before the world in which we live. Through righteous living, godly separation from the unfruitful works of darkness, and righteous works, we evidence our salvation and display our fruit of the new life. I believe a solemn responsibility is laid upon us by God to be faithful proclaimers of the Good News gospel of salvation for a lost world, as every member of Christ's body is to witness and evangelize those around them, and to support world missions for the extended outreach of the Great Commission. I believe that while in the flesh though saved, we have a formidable enemy known as Satan or the Devil. I believe he is a fallen angel once created holy and perfect, but through pride and wicked ambition rebelled against God, thus becoming forever and utterly depraved in character, and now the great adversary of God and man. I believe his role until final judgment is to organize and energize the host of fallen angels, wicked spirits, and all unsaved humanity to dishonor and rebel against God, His Word and His will. I believe Satan and all the fallen angels and humanity are defeated and judged already at the cross, and therefore their final doom in an everlasting Hell is certain. I believe believers are able to resist and overcome Satan, but only through the armor of God, by the death and shed blood of the Lamb Christ Jesus, and through the abiding indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. I moreover believe that the souls & spirits of the saved at death go immediately to be with Christ in heaven, their bodies will be raised at the Rapture, that their works shall be brought before the Judgment Seat of Christ for determination of rewards. I believe that the souls & spirits of the unsaved at death descend immediately into Hell where they are kept under punishment until the final day of their judgment at the end of the Millennial reign of Christ. There they shall be raised in body from the grave, be sentenced and cast into an everlasting Hell fire.

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