Order Free Wells Bible Study PowerPoint Presentations
of the Videos and Bible Studies on this web site.

1. Do not sell any of the PowerPoint presentations. "Freely you have receive, freely give." Mark 10:8.

2. You may use the PowerPoint presentations as the Holy Spirit directs you.

3. There are no narrations, just the PowerPoint slides.

4. You must have a Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 or later or a compatible slide program on your computer to edit or use it.

5. Many of the PowerPoint Presentations are too large for the email.

6. I have put most of the PowerPoint Bibe study presentations on a DVD.It is free.

Type your name and postal address as it would be on a mailing label and email it to me.

My email address: jerrywells@wellsbiblestudy.com

In the subject line on your email type: PowerPoint Presentations DVD

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